September 7, 2021
Dear Berean Family,
WARNING: Get ready for it… James tells us that the Law is like a mirror to help us see ourselves. We are not to just look at ourselves in the mirror, walk away and forget. If I look at the mirror in the morning, I can see that I need to shave, but the mirror doesn’t help me shave just like the Law doesn’t help us change. The Law only exposes our faults. Get ready for it… We are shaved by grace (OK. You can groan now). This Sunday, Lord willing, we will look at Galatians 3 where Paul talks about these same things.
AWANA started last Sunday evening. Lord willing, this weekend, we will see even more kids coming. This year it will be on Sunday evenings. Our hope is that as parents bring their kids, they can come into an evening service and find a welcome into our church family. Of course, AWANA requires lots of workers. “Many hands make light work.” If you can help, please see the sign-up sheet in the lobby.
Here is our normal schedule of services:
Sunday morning: 10:00 AM service, live streamed and broadcast to the parking lot
11:15 AM Sunday School
Sunday evening: 6:00 PM service and AWANA
Wednesday evening: 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting and New Life Teens
Lord willing, I (Steve) will be preaching this Sunday morning from Galatians 3. On Sunday evening, we will be having an informal time to welcome and AWANA parents who might come.
Keep praying. Please continue to call, encourage and pray for one another. Phone a friend or write a note. It will encourage you both. Also, invite friends and family to come this Sunday. We love you and are praying for you.
In Him,
Pastor Steve