August 24, 2021
Dear Berean Family,
Gregory Elder tells this story: “Growing up on the Atlantic Coast, I spent long hours working on intricate sand castles; whole cities would appear beneath my hands. One year, for several days in a row, I was accosted by bullies who smashed my creations. Finally I tried an experiment: I placed cinder blocks, rocks, and chunks of concrete in the base of my castles. Then I built the sand kingdoms on top of the rocks. When the local toughs appeared (and I disappeared), their bare feet suddenly met their match. Many people see the church in grave peril from a variety of dangers: secularism, politics, heresies, or plain old sin. They forget that the church is built upon a Rock (Mt. 16:16), over which the gates of hell itself shall not prevail.”
AWANA will be starting soon (Sunday evening, September 5th). This year it will be on a Sunday evening. Our hope is that as parents bring their kids, they can come into an evening service and find a welcome into our church family. Of course, AWANA requires lots of workers. “Many hands make light work.” If you can help, please see the sign-up sheet in the lobby.
Our Fall ministries will also reboot beginning September 5th. Please pray for our children’s and youth work.
Here is our normal schedule of services:
Sunday morning: 10:00 AM service, live streamed and broadcast to the parking lot
11:15 AM Sunday School
Sunday evening: 6:00 PM service and New Life Teens
Wednesday evening: 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
Lord willing, Phil Minich will be preaching this Sunday morning. On Sunday evening, we will be continuing our study in Ephesians 1.
Keep praying. Please continue to call, encourage and pray for one another. Phone a friend or write a note. It will encourage you both. Also, invite friends and family to come this Sunday. We love you and are praying for you.
In Him,
Pastor Steve