July 28, 2021
Dear Berean Family,
Last week a young 25-year-old woman in Columbia went bungee jumping with her boyfriend. They were to jump from a 130-foot-high bridge. As the workers were getting them harnessed and secured to their bungee cords, one of them gave the signal to her boyfriend to jump. She mistakenly thought she was also secure and that they were jumping together. Her cord had not been connected. She tragically plunged to her death 130 feet below. That horrific story made me reflect on our connection with Christ. In Romans, Paul talks about his struggles with sin and the question hangs in the air: “Does my struggle with sin mean I am disconnected from Christ?” Paul ends the chapter with a long list of all the things that might possibly detach us from Christ, but he firmly assures us: “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39)
VBS this week has been exciting. We are seeing some new children coming, and we are getting to know their parents. Please continue to pray that the Lord will work in hearts.
Here are some things to remember:
This Sunday morning, we will have a church business meeting after the service to decide on two items.
We have restarted our Sunday School. Sunday service will be from 10-11 and Sunday School from 11:15-12:00.
August is full of interesting events:
August 2- The East Back-to-School Carnival
August 13- The Block Party
August 20- Ladies’ Poolside Fellowship (at the Manns’)
August 21- Church Work Day
August 22- Church in the Park (Sunday evening service in the Park beside PNC Bank)
Here is our normal schedule of services:
Sunday morning: 10:00 AM service, live streamed and broadcast to the parking lot
11:15 AM Sunday School
Sunday evening: 6:00 PM service and New Life Teens
Wednesday evening: 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting (led this week by Harry Ramsey)
Lord willing, I (Steve) will be preaching this Sunday from Romans 8. On Sunday evening, we continue in the series “Thinking Biblically.”
The Lord is at work at Berean. It is exciting. Keep praying. Please continue to call, encourage and pray for one another. Phone a friend or write a note. It will encourage you both. Also, invite friends and family to come this Sunday. We love you and are praying for you.
In Him,
Pastor Steve