July 13, 2021
Dear Berean Family,
Following Jesus was many things, but boring was not one of them. The disciples (and everyone else) were constantly astounded. He is resurrected, and how does He reveal Himself to His disciples? With a great catch of fish, but while broiling the fish, He gently probes the depths of Peter’s heart. If there was a pattern to Jesus’ ministry, we might say it was an astounding revelation of Who He is, and then an exposure of who we are.
There are several special days coming:
We have restarted our Sunday School. Sunday service will be from 10-11 and Sunday School from 11:15-12:00.
An adult class will meet in the auditorium
The Ladies of Excellence will meet in their classroom
Teens will meet in the New Life Teen room
Children will meet in the Junior classroom
A nursery will be available for babies and toddlers
July 19-25 will be VBS setup. If you can help, please see Phil Minich.
July 26-30 will be VBS. Please, pray that the Lord will work in the hearts of children and families.
Here is our schedule of services:
Sunday morning: 10:00 AM service, live streamed and broadcast to the parking lot
11:15 AM Sunday School
Sunday evening: 6:00 PM service and New Life Teens
Wednesday evening: 7:00 PM Prayer meeting and KIT (Kids in Truth)
Lord willing, I (Steve) will be preaching this Sunday from John 21. On Sunday evening, we will have another in the series of “Thinking Biblically.”
The Lord is at work at Berean. It is both exciting and scary. I personally am so glad He is working here. Keep praying. Please continue to call, encourage and pray for one another. Phone a friend. It will encourage you both. Also, invite friends and family to come this Sunday. We love you and are praying for you.
In Him,
Pastor Steve