July 6, 2021

Dear Berean Family,

I am not a mechanic. I am in awe of mechanics. They can do things that mystify me. Several months ago someone was having car trouble in the church parking lot. It was a battery problem. One of them told me to go get a can of diet Coke. I had no idea how diet Coke was going to help. I was feeling a little thirsty. Maybe a jolt of caffeine might help, but they knew something I did not. Corrosion had built up around the battery posts, and when I poured it on the battery cables, that diet Coke dissolved the corrosion like magic. I couldn’t wait to tell my wife this new trick. She was not nearly as impressed as she should have been. The key thing from this story is not the magical powers of diet Coke, but the power of connection. The disciplines of the Christian life (Bible reading, prayer, church attendance, etc.) have absolutely no power in and of themselves. Don’t get me wrong. I’m NOT saying they are unnecessary. They are vitally necessary, but, like electric cables that are disconnected, they have no power in and of themselves. But if they are connected to Christ, they can be conduits of spiritual life. Has corrosion crept in and disconnected you from Christ? The answer is NOT to disconnect from the spiritual disciplines, but to see if sin or something else has interrupted the power. 

There are several special days coming: 

  • July 11 we will restart our Sunday School. Sunday service will be from 10-11 and Sunday School from 11:15-12:00. 

    • An adult class will meet in the auditorium

    • The Ladies of Excellence will meet in their classroom

    • Teens will meet in the New Life Teen room

    • Children will meet in the Junior classroom

    • A nursery will be available for babies and toddlers

  • July 19-25 will be VBS setup

  • July 26-30 will be VBS 

Weekdays this summer, various things are happening at the church building. A volleyball camp has been helping girls from various local schools. This coming week, July 12-16, some local Christian music teachers are developing a Gospel Choir for high school young people. Each day, Phil Minich will be meeting with them during their practice time to explain the Gospel. On Friday night, July 16 at 7:30 pm, these young people will put on a concert where the parents and community are invited. Please, come to support these young people, and pray that the Lord will work during this week.

Here is our schedule of services:

Sunday morning: 10:00 AM service, live streamed and broadcast to the parking lot

Sunday evening: 6:00 PM service and New Life Teens

Wednesday evening: 7:00 PM Prayer meeting and KIT (Kids in Truth)


Lord willing, I (Steve) will be preaching this Sunday from John 15.

Please continue to call, encourage and pray for one another.  Phone a friend. It will encourage you both. Also, invite friends and family to come this Sunday. We love you and are praying for you.  

In Him, 

Pastor Steve

Berean Baptist Church