October 12, 2021

Dear Berean Family,

Francoise Sagan, the French playwright, wrote, “Money may not buy happiness, but I had rather cry in a Jaguar than on a bus.” That may make us chuckle, but even a brief look at the life of Francoise Sagan cautions us against focusing on temporal, material gain that leads to bankruptcy of a different kind. Ironically, she nearly killed herself in a car accident speeding in an Aston Martin. She was in constant pain afterward. Her life was racked by immoral relationships, drug addiction and gambling. She wrote her own two-sentence obituary. “Appeared in 1954 with a slender novel, Bonjour tristesse, which created a scandal worldwide. Her death… was a scandal only for herself.” Paul in 1 Timothy 6 calls us to invest, not in worldly riches, but in godliness “which is great gain.” 

Here is our normal schedule of services:

Sunday morning: 10:00 AM service, live streamed and broadcast to the parking lot

11:15 AM Sunday School 

Sunday evening: 5:45 PM AWANA

6:00 PM Service 

Wednesday evening: 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting and New Life Teens


Don’t forget some special things that are coming:

Saturday, October 30 Trunk or Treat (We still need folk who will bring their cars for this event with a castle theme)

Sunday, November 14 Church Lunch with East Band playing

Christmas events are coming soon. Invite your friends and neighbors.


Lord willing, Phil will be preaching from 1 Timothy 6 this Sunday. We will also have communion. On Sunday evening, we will be having coffee, refreshments, singing and a message.

Keep praying. Please continue to call, encourage and pray for one another.  Phone a friend or write a note. It will encourage you both. Also, invite friends and family to come this Sunday. We love you and are praying for you.  

In Him, 

Pastor Steve

Berean Baptist Church